UWM Summer Team member high-fiving colleagues
My Favorite Experiences As A UWM Summer Intern
By Caitlin Finerty, Summer Team Member
Here's how one summer intern maximized her summer and future career during our 12-week paid internship program.

This past summer, I joined the UWM family as a summer intern. During the 12 weeks I spent here, I was able to enhance my resume, network with executives, make long-lasting friendships and enjoy my summer all while preparing for my future career. Here are some of my favorite experiences as a UWM Summer Intern:

Meeting Great Friends

The first 3 days of my internship consisted of comprehensive company trainings with the hundreds of other summer interns. It was the perfect opportunity to learn more about the company and get to know the team members I would be spending the summer with. I was able to meet people from different backgrounds and develop relationships that would last a lifetime. They were the people I ate lunch with, attended company events with, learned and grew with, and will hopefully connect with in our future careers.

Working With Industry Professionals

As the #1 mortgage lender in the nation, UWM is constantly striving to be the best in every area, and the best companies attract the best talent. Every day, I worked alongside professionals in my field of study who shared their wealth of knowledge. This was beneficial to my career - as I was able to apply what I learned in the classroom while being guided and mentored by professionals with years of experience.

Eating Really Good Food

Working at UWM means enjoying the perks of the campus - and my favorite perk was the endless food options. From their full-service cafeteria with daily specials, rotating food trucks, on-site restaurants and guest restaurants to the fully stocked convenience stores, lunch was definitely a time to look forward to. The best part? We had time to enjoy multiple options and catch up with friends during our guaranteed one-hour lunch break!

Networking With Executives

Every week, summer interns attended sessions with the executives, including UWM President and CEO Mat Ishbia. These were great opportunities to learn how leaders from different backgrounds found success in the mortgage industry. Not only did we learn from them in group settings, but we were also encouraged to set up lunch, coffee or job shadows with the executives so we could really get some one-on-one time with the experts. The opportunity to network with such impactful leaders gave us the tools to help start building our careers.

Enhancing My Resume 

When you think of an intern, it’s easy to picture a college student making copies, grabbing coffee for the team and doing tedious tasks. But at UWM, being an intern means being part of the team. As soon as I started on the floor, I was given an opportunity learn and grow. The other interns and I were given a project to work on that challenged us. We pitched our ideas, briefed the team and led the project from start to finish. We then presented the results to leadership and launched the project. This gave me the opportunity to update my resume with the direct measurable impact that I had on the company, which will help me stand out to recruiters when I’m ready for my next job opportunity.

Experiencing The Company Culture

Working on the floor at UWM was an experience that will positively impact my career. This was the first real work experience I had in my field, and I was surrounded by team members and leaders who were motivated to be successful in their own roles and were motivated to help others succeed. The open office environment allowed gave us direct access to our leader and the energy on the floor was infectious and encouraged me to continuously improve every day. Leaders and team members were always available to help and encouraged us to step out of our comfort zones to become the professionals we’re striving to be.

Having A Fun Summer

You wouldn’t expect work and fun to tie in together, but at UWM, fun and friendship is a big part of their culture. With the arcade rooms, beach volleyball, basketball games, bike rides and dance parties, I was able to work and enhance my resume while enjoying every part of my summer. I even had the opportunity to enjoy the company fair that was free and available for all team members and their families and the community, as well as a watching a USPBL baseball game with the summer interns at Jimmy Johns Field.


When it comes to setting up my career for success, interning at UWM was one of the best decisions I’ve made.  I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone, collaborated with different teams and gained unique experiences that I wouldn’t have been exposed to elsewhere. I was able to build great relationships with other interns, team members and leaders. The best part was that I was able to do all of this while having fun and enjoying my summer. If you’re interested in becoming a UWM Summer Intern, join our team!


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