Our Teams

Capital Markets

Even secondary mortgage market sales deserves a first-rate team. When it comes to selling our loans to investors — common practice with U.S. home loans — our Capital Markets team always steps up. They’re an integral part of the process, from developing our loan products and setting our pricing to pooling our loans and servicing sales. 

Finance And Accounting

We even find the fun in funds — just ask our Finance team! Made up of four sub-teams, this group of accounting experts handles all our company numbers, from expenses and loan funding to cash and general ledger accounts. But that’s not all. They also balance budgets and make sure that everything makes “cents.” (See what we did there?)

Internal Audit

Review, evaluate, test. Repeat. Internal Audit is focused on making sure our processes follow all applicable laws, regulations and investor best practices. And they do it with meticulous style. Internal Audit has never met a rule they didn’t follow — and they’re committed to ensuring all of UWM doesn’t either.

Legal And Compliance

Regulations. Requirements. And all the fine print. Our Legal and Compliance teams are up on the law and ensure we’re doing it all by the book. They oversee documents, checking that we’re crossing our t's and dotting our i's. From conducting audits to addressing issues, they make it their business to ensure the company and our clients are protected.

Mortgage Operations

The mortgage process couldn’t happen without the multi-tasking marvels of our Operations team. They’re self-motivated go-getters who put in hard work behind the scenes to make the loan process significantly faster and smoother.  Learn more.

Security & EMT

Our security team is on-site and standing by to keep our campus safe and secure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to monitoring the buildings, they also patrol our parking lots and are available to help when you need it — for things such as flat tires, dead batteries and more. If the need arises, these helpful protectors are just a call away.


Training is a big deal around here and it shows. UWM was inducted into the hall of fame for training by Training Magazine (cue the confetti)! In fact, we’re so devoted to it that we even train our trainers so they can train team members. It’s a cycle for success that keeps us moving ahead in the industry — and beyond our competition.

Client Experience

The interaction between UWM team members and our clients is so important to us that we dedicated a whole team to it! Client Experience is made up of our Welcome Associates, Client Outreach, Coaching and Scoring and CX Analytics teams, and they all have the same shared mission: providing a WOW experience every time. Learn more.

Government Affairs

When it comes to building relationships with government stakeholders, our Government Affairs team has it covered! They work tirelessly to manage local, regional, state and federal relationships to benefit and represent independent mortgage brokers and UWM as a whole. 


Every summer, we welcome college students to take part in our exciting 12-week internship program. Interns get placed on designated teams that match their interests for a fully integrated, hands-on experience. They also have opportunities to work on community service projects, participate in developmental programs and collaborate with other interns. Learn more.

Loan Servicing

Servicing loans, maintaining loans, onboarding loans. When it comes to UWM loans, our Loan Servicing team has it handled. But that’s not all this remarkable group does. Our specialists are also focused on providing borrowers with an outstanding, personal experience every time.

Risk Management

Suspicious activity beware: Risk Management team members have their eyes on you! As the protectors of UWM, this team assesses all potential risks to our company by overseeing, analyzing and reviewing all internal and external client activity to make sure our practices are being upheld and loan guidelines are met.

Special Programs

The best way to understand our company is to experience what each team does first-hand, and that’s what our UWM Rotational Program offers. Over the course of a year, participants of this program spend weeks with each internal team and become immersed in their processes and procedures. The takeaway? A greater understanding of UWM, plus the opportunity to provide feedback and aid in UWM’s growth.


For our Underwriting team, details are a dream! This team gets up close and personal with every loan application, ensuring accuracy, quality and a fast closing. Speaking of personal, our Underwriting team is readily available to clients who have any questions or needs — a rare level of service in this industry. Learn more.


Facilities is responsible for the day-to-day operations of UWM’s sprawling campus. From engineering and event setups to janitorial and shuttle services, Facilities knows how to take care of business while taking care of us.

Human Resources

This is the team behind the teams! Human Resources is our go-to group that serves all current and potential UWM team members. They lead our recruitment process and are focused on making sure work life is fulfilling, productive and enjoyable. They accomplish this by facilitating benefits, acknowledging milestones and so much more.

Investor Relations

UWM is relationship driven in all aspects of our company, so this team is focused on educating and building meaningful connections within the investment community, including research analysts, institutional investors and retail investors. From showing off our campus to creating informative presentations, this team invests in our investors!


Creativity calling! Our full-service, in-house Marketing team supports UWM’s brands and makes sure we’re keeping things consistent, transparent and interesting. From strategic thinkers and creative visionaries to social media pros and more, Marketing is where an idea is nurtured into something vibrant, inspiring and impactful.


Meet Sales — a team that’s big on motivation, camaraderie and success. Their don’t-hold-back work ethic has helped them cultivate strong and meaningful relationships with mortgage brokers everywhere, helping brokers build their businesses using UWM’s valuable resources. That adds up to a winning relationship for all.Learn more.


Our Technology team is responsible for developing and enhancing industry-leading technology, in-house and from the ground up. The Technology team’s efforts have a direct impact on our business, allowing our clients to succeed with industry-first applications, tools, and support. Learn more.

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