UWM team members surrounding a computer
How Transferable Skills Can Land You a Job
By UWM Careers
At UWM, we lean on the strengths of every team member—whether or not they have mortgage industry knowledge, instead, during the hiring process, we focus on finding the right attitude and transferable skills.

At United Wholesale Mortgage, we lean on the strengths of every team member—whether or not they have mortgage industry knowledge. Typically, our team members have no prior mortgage experience. Instead, during the hiring process, we focus on finding the right attitude and transferable skills. This approach has been extremely successful in our hiring practices — in 2021, we hired more than 4,000 new team members, most of whom were new to the wholesale mortgage industry.

What are transferable skills?

Transferable skills are portable skills that can be transferred from one job – or one industry – to another and serve as a foundation for professional success. At UWM, some of the most common transferable skills we look for include client service, teamwork, communication, critical thinking and time management.

Why are transferable skills important?

We rely heavily on transferable skills at UWM because we offer our team members the opportunity to learn a new role when they join the company, as well as when they transfer between departments. Team members who have skills that aren’t dependent on a specific function but rather improve a team member’s work ethic, communication effectiveness or quality of work regardless of position are more likely to succeed than other applicants.

The Top 5 transferable skills 

1. Communication

Communication skills embody not only verbal and listening skills, but also writing and technological communication skills. While job searching, keep in mind that all professional employers will require these primary communication skills. At UWM, communication is key to working with teams effectively and efficiently.

2. Teamwork

Going into a professional workplace, you’ll be working with many different people from different backgrounds and perspectives, and you’ll have to work with team members effectively. Without the ability to work well with others, employers will not consider you as a candidate. UWM thrives on teamwork. Our teams work hand in hand every single day to provide our clients with the best possible service.

3. Time Management

Working with a team, especially in a larger company, will require you to work on multiple projects at once. To do this, you must be able to multi-task, be organized and most importantly, have good time management. Deadlines are very important. You should be able to meet your deadlines with time to spare to make changes, which is inevitable. 

4. Critical Thinking

Problem solving requires critical thinking. That being said, it is very likely that you will run into challenges while working on projects. Using your critical thinking skills, you should be able to analyze the problem, ask questions and create solutions.

5. Client Service

Client service is the ability to support and assist your clients to help meet their needs and ensure a positive experience. It helps build relationships, which is vital for a company’s success. At UWM, we not only service our clients, but our team members as well. We respond to requests quickly, are open to new ideas and take the time to help others achieve their goals.

How to utilize your transferrable skills

If you’re looking to change careers and aren’t sure your experience matches a potential role’s qualifications, or if you’re new to the job market, here are some key ways you can identify and leverage your transferable skills:

  • Compile a list of your top transferable skills

To discuss your transferable skills with a hiring manager, you must have those skills defined. List your top three to five transferable skills. Are you a team player who loves collaboration? A tech-savvy individual who knows the ins and outs of Excel? Do you take ownership of your own personal development? Brainstorm how these skills match your potential employer’s needs, and the job description.

  • Connect your strengths to the job description for the role you’re applying for

Now it’s time to connect the dots! How do your transferable skills match the job description? Sure, you may not have the preferred experience or education, but you can still make yourself an attractive candidate by identifying those strengths. Come equipped with evidence and a strong explanation to back up your narrative.

  • Be confident

Remember, everyone in the hiring process, including yourself, is looking for the right fit. Be confident and clear in your abilities. Entering a new career as a veteran job seeker or as a newbie can come with a lot of uncertainty. The good news is that transferable skills will always be in demand from recruiters.

Focusing on the broader strengths you can bring to the job and your willingness to learn a new industry are crucial ways to leave a great impression at the end of an interview. Remember, confidence is having concrete examples of how your skills will aid your career growth, as well as the benefits for the potential employer. Embrace your strengths and realize your potential.

Having the right transferable skills can help you land the job you’ve been searching for. It’s important to utilize these skills to your advantage! Do you think you have the right skills for UWM? Apply and join our team!

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